
World Wide Wind: more than 40% lower levelized cost of electricity compared to current offshore floating wind solutions

World Wide Wind: more than 40% lower levelized ...

A recent comparative study on levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) performed by the Irish techno-financial analyst, Exceedence Ltd shows that World Wide Wind’s counter-rotating vertical turbine (CRVT) technology can achieve...

World Wide Wind: more than 40% lower levelized ...

A recent comparative study on levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) performed by the Irish techno-financial analyst, Exceedence Ltd shows that World Wide Wind’s counter-rotating vertical turbine (CRVT) technology can achieve...

World Wide Wind AS: receives grant for the development of a rare-earth-element free generator for floating offshore wind applications

World Wide Wind AS: receives grant for the deve...

A consortium of World Wide Wind AS (WWW) and Uppsala University (UU) has received a NOK 5 million grant from Eureka Eurostars through the Norwegian Research Council and Vinnova in...

World Wide Wind AS: receives grant for the deve...

A consortium of World Wide Wind AS (WWW) and Uppsala University (UU) has received a NOK 5 million grant from Eureka Eurostars through the Norwegian Research Council and Vinnova in...

Aegir DEEP DIVE | ‘Not a PowerPoint technology’

Aegir DEEP DIVE | ‘Not a PowerPoint technology’

"Radical new floating wind design readies to brave the waves." begins an in-depth article in Beaufort, (December 1, 2023) Aegir Insights’ weekly market intelligence read for commentary, analysis, and in-depth journalism...

Aegir DEEP DIVE | ‘Not a PowerPoint technology’

"Radical new floating wind design readies to brave the waves." begins an in-depth article in Beaufort, (December 1, 2023) Aegir Insights’ weekly market intelligence read for commentary, analysis, and in-depth journalism...

World Wide Wind is featured in Finansavisen (Norwegian for "Norwegian Financial News") news podcast.

World Wide Wind is featured in Finansavisen (No...

Click here to view the full podcast (in Norwegian only). Havvind i trøbbel: Norske gründere tenker radikalt nytt Økte renter, inflasjon og tekniske problemer har skapt trøbbel for store aktører...

World Wide Wind is featured in Finansavisen (No...

Click here to view the full podcast (in Norwegian only). Havvind i trøbbel: Norske gründere tenker radikalt nytt Økte renter, inflasjon og tekniske problemer har skapt trøbbel for store aktører...

World Wide Wind: Signs agreement with AF Gruppen to test the world’s first counter-rotating offshore, floating wind turbine at Vats, Norway.

World Wide Wind: Signs agreement with AF Gruppe...

The Norwegian company World Wide Wind AS (WWW) which is developing a new design for offshore floating wind turbines, and AF Gruppen (AFG), the second largest Norwegian engineering and construction...

World Wide Wind: Signs agreement with AF Gruppe...

The Norwegian company World Wide Wind AS (WWW) which is developing a new design for offshore floating wind turbines, and AF Gruppen (AFG), the second largest Norwegian engineering and construction...

The minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Aasland, visited World Wide Wind’s stand at Havvindkonferansen

The minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Aas...

World Wide Wind attended Havvindkonferansen, arranged by Norwegian Offshore Wind in Oslo. This yearly event gathers the Norwegian offshore wind industry and is one of the most influential arenas for...

The minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Aas...

World Wide Wind attended Havvindkonferansen, arranged by Norwegian Offshore Wind in Oslo. This yearly event gathers the Norwegian offshore wind industry and is one of the most influential arenas for...


  • North Wind

    World Wide Wind and Uppsala University join forces to develop innovative offshore wind generator.

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  • Norwegian Offshore Wind

    2023 was a record year in global offshore wind.

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  • EU Commits to 111 GW Offshore Wind

    EU Commits to raise the renewable energy target for 2030 from 61 GW to 111 GW.

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  • Energy Transition 2023

    Read the report on DNV's view of the Norwegian energy system through to 2050.

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  • Finansavisen

    Flytende havvind bak skjema. - Gapet mellom ambisjoner og handling må tettes.

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  • TU

    Regjeringen vil tildele områder for 30 GW havvind før 2040.

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  • DN

    For Norge kan bunnfast havvind være mer utfordrende enn flytende.

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  • Energi og Klima

    Kan flytende havvind bli konkurransedyktig?

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